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Date Feb 27, 18
SIMCA®-online 15

Create new project fails with message "Primary observation identifiers are not unique" (Q891)


The error message 'There was a problem creating your project. Primary observation identifiers are not unique' is displayed when creating a project in SIMCA®-online using File | New and trying to finish the wizard.


This happens when the time range selected for the new project includes a time when the local time zone changes time so that the clock is moved back, like what happens when daylight saving time ends in Europe and in North America.

For example: if the clock changes from daylight saving time to standard time at 03:00 the clock is moved back to 02:00 which means that the hour between 02 and 03 is included twice in the data, causing the error.


Don't include the time when daylight saving time end when selecting the data that the project will be based on. For example: include data from last year just after daylight saving time ended until this year just before daylight saving time ends. Then, after the project has been created you can extend it with more data using the 'Update SIMCA® project' feature in SIMCA®-online.

If you use a sampling interval of two hours (or larger) the problem will not occur.

More Information:

Has been fixed in SIMCA®-online 15.0.1.

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