Water Purification with Added Value

Choose from the widest array of options to customize your lab water system to your specific needs.

The arium® advance RO features the highest ion retention at rates of up to 24 L/hr. Directly connected to your tap feed water source, this system delivers pure water of the highest quality.

Go First Class with Type 3 Water

Water purification with added value!

The arium® advance RO consistently delivers premium Type 3 reverse osmosis water quality at rates of 8,16 or 24 L/hr for your standard laboratory applications. While producing Type 3 water, the system uses specially designed, intuitive software to continuously monitor the water quality.

Its additionally integrated iJust function optimizes the usage and quality of your purified water, while helping you conserve your valuable water resources.

Benefit from unique bagtank technology!
Connected to the unique bag tank, this system not only reduces the cost of labor, but also provides you with a reliable storage option for stable quality of Type 3 reverse osmosis water over the long term.

Arium® Bagtank 純水ストレージ

Arium® bagtankを使用して、時間と安全性を確保

革新的なArium®bagtankは、Type 2の純水を20リットル、50リットル、100リットルのいずれかのシングルユースのArium®Bagに確実に保存し、内蔵のフィルターシステムにより純水を二次汚染から安全に守ります。


製薬業界向けに特別に設計されたこのバッグは、高品質のS71素材で作られており、最適な保管条件を提供することで、長期にわたり安定した水質のType 2の純水を確保します。





