Single Cell Picking Module for Precise Single Cell and Colony Picking

This single cell picking module uses liquid buffered single-use glass capillaries, providing gentle aspiration with extremely high precision down to the nanoliter range. It can be used for precise isolation of individual single cells, clusters, single cell clones, spheroids, small organoids and embryoid bodies.

CellCelector Flex allows easy picking from various culture labware, including 96-well plates, multi-well slides and nanowell arrays as well as deposition into small destination wells like 1,536 or 384-well plates, deep well plates and PCR tubes or plates.

Key Features

  • Glass capillaries available with inner diameters ranging from 10 µm to 220 µm, depending on application
  • Gentle aspiration compatible with picking of sensitive living cells
  • Tuneable aspiration volumes from ~1 nl to 12 µl
  • Integrated touch sensor for easy calibration
  • Automated adjustment of picking height
  • Automatic capillary sterilization

Examples of before and after picking images

The Single Cell module can be used with most standard labware ranging from well plates (1 to 96 wells), petri dishes of all sizes and microscope slides as well as custom consumables. This flexibility is given for source and destination plates.

Use of the single cell module with various source plate formats

Microplates (1 to 96 well)


Multi-Well Chamber Slides


Nanowell Plates

Use of the single cell module with various destination plates 


PCR Plates (96 or 384 well)


PCR Tubes

Picking Modes

CellCelector can isolate individual single cells into separate destination wells as well as pool single cells into the same destination well. In this case, it can pick multiple single cells sequentially into the capillary before transferring the picked cells to the destination well.

Single Cell Isolation

Cell Pooling

Related Applications

  • Forensic applications (e.g., picking of sperms for genetic analysis)
  • Purification of samples for genetic single cell analysis like single cell PCR, RNA-seq or Next-Generation Sequencing
  • Single cell cloning of gene-edited iPS cells (or other stem cell lines)
  • HT-NIC: High-throughput nanowell-based single cell cloning with an integrated monoclonality proof for pharmaceutical cell line development
  • Single cell secretion screening and picking (e.g. on individual plasma B-Cells or Hybridoma cells for Antibody Discovery)

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