Best Practices for Mitigating the Risks of Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell Cultures

Document type: Infographic | Last updated: October 2023


Mycoplasma contamination poses a significant threat to cell cultures, primarily because these bacteria do not possess a rigid cell wall, are microscopic, and can change shape. When mycoplasma invades a cell culture, it can trigger cell death through apoptosis, disrupt normal gene expression, impede the synthesis of proteins, and generate harmful byproducts.

To safeguard against such contamination, it is crucial to maintain optimal cell-culture environments and adhere to rigorous cleaning protocols. This infographic presents five essential strategies to prevent mycoplasma contamination in laboratory settings.

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Download the infographic and learn:

  1. The dangers of mycoplasma contamination
  2. Strategies for risk mitigation
  3. Good cell-culture practices
  4. The advantages and disadvantages of various testing methods for cell lines
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