Advanced Package QP2

The Advanced software application package includes various complex weighing applications incl. evaluation. This includes applications used for density determination, percentage weighing, counting, backweighing, residual dirt analysis, residue on ignition, filter weighing, checkweighing, formulation, averaging, etc.

QApps included in the Advanced Package (QP2):

Density of Solids (QAPP200)

Density of Solids

This application determines the density of solids using the buoyancy method and the formula with correction for wires and air buoyancy. It supports the measurement of water temperature with temperature sensors, if such a sensor is connected to the balance. The sample is first weighed in air and then submerged in liquid. Based on the two weight values the application calculates the sample density. The Density of solids with statistics application uses the following calculations:

  • The density of water or ethanol is calculated with the Horner scheme at current temperature
  • Density of liquid: RhoLiq = RefLiq  / (1.0 + BCoeff * (TempLiq - 20.0))
  • Density kit correction: CorrDk = 1.0 - 2.0 * ( 0.7 * 0.7 ) / ( 76.0 * 76.0 ) | YDK03MS or YDK04MS
  • Free density kit: CorrDk = 1.0 - NumWir * (DiaWir * DiaWir) / (DiaVes * DiaVes) | NumWir =  Number of wires, DiaWir= Diameter of wires, DiaVes = Diameter of vessel
  • No density kit, no correction: CorrDk = 1.0
  • Air density correction: CorrAir = 0.0012 | Default value. This parameter can be edited at createTask and startTask
  • Sample density: Rho= fabs((wgAir * (RhoLiq - CorrAir)) / ((wgAir - wgLiq) * CorrDk) + CorrAir)
  • Sample volume: Vol = (wgAir - wgLiq) * dCorr * CorrDk / (RhoLiq - CorrAir)
  • Sum of all weight values: sum = ( n * initValue ) + sumComp | sumComp = sumComp + addValue; addValue = x comp. - initValue; initValue = first comp.
  • Average mean weight: avg = initValue + ( sumComp / n )
  • Standard deviation: dev = sqrt ((n * sum2Comp - sumComp * sumComp) / (n * (n-1))) | sum2Comp = sum2Comp + (addValue * addValue)
  • Variation coefficient: var = abs (dev / avg * 100)
  • Difference between min. and max.: diff = max. – min.

Material No. QAPP200  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Density of Liquids (QAPP201)

Density of Liquids

The application determines the density of liquids using YDK03MS or YDK04MS with glass plummet. It supports the measurement of water temperature with temperature sensors, if such a sensor is connected to the balance. In the first step the glass plummet is fixed on the frame of the density kit, placed in the center of a glass vessel and the setup is tared. In the second step the liquid to be measured is filled in the glass vessel until the glass plummet is covered and the weight is measured. Because of the buoyancy the glass plummet weight in liquid is a negative value and from this negative weight the liquid density is calculated. The application density of liquids uses the following calculations:

  • Air buoyancy correction: paramCorrAir = 0.0012
  • Volume correction: dCorr = 1.0 - (paramCorrAir / 8.0) | Calibration weight density = 8.0 g/cm3
  • Liquid density: paramRhoLiq = fabs(wgLiq * dCorr / paramVolPlum) | wgLiq = negative weight in liquid

Material No. QAPP201

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Density with Pycnometer (QAPP202)

Density with Pycnometer

This application determines the density of powders, liquids and pasty substances using a pycnometer. It supports the measurement of water temperature with temperature sensors, if such a sensor is connected to the balance. The sample is first weighed in air and then submerged in liquid. Based on the two weight values the application calculates the sample density. The Density with pycnometer application uses the following calculations:

  • The density of water or ethanol is calculated with the Horner scheme at current temperature
  • Density of liquid: RhoLiq = RefLiq / (1.0 + BCoeff * (TempLiq - 20.0))
  • Density kit correction factor: CorrDk = 1.0 | Default value
  • Air density correction: CorrAir = 0.0012 | Default value. This parameter can be edited at createTask and startTask
  • Weight of residual liquid: wgRes = wgResTmp + wgTmp
  • Sample density: Rho = fabs((wgAir * (rhoLiq - corrAir)) / ((wgLiq + wgAir - wgRes) + corrAir)

Material No. QAPP202  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Percentage Weighing (QAPP203)

Percentage Weighing

The application determines the percentage share or the percentage difference of a sample in comparison to a reference weight and uses the following calculations:

  • Weight value = Wxx%
  • Calculated residue: Prc = round ((weight value * pRef) / abs ( Wxx%))
  • Calculated loss (D): Prc = round (((weight value * pRef) / abs ( Wxx%)) - 100.0)

Material No. QAPP203

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Counting with Reference Weight (QAPP204)

Counting with Reference Weight

The application determines the number of parts with approximately equal weight. In the first step the reference weight value is determined and divided by the quantity to calculate the weight of one piece. With this reference piece weight, the application then calculates the unknown number of pieces within samples. The balance displays the number of parts and the piece weight. The application uses the following calculations:

  • Reference piece weight: wRef = weight value / nRef  
  • Quantity: Qnt = round (weight value / abs (wRef))

Material No. QAPP204

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Counting with Checkweighing (QAPP205)

Counting with Checkweighing

This application determinates the number of parts with approximately equal weight and checks if the number of pieces is within defined limits. The weight of counted reference sample is calculated to the weight of one piece. With this reference piece weight the application calculates the number of parts of a unknown piece count weight. The balance displays the number of parts and the piece weight. The user can change the setpoint and limits for checkweighing. The application is using the following formulas:

  • wRef = weight value / nRef
  • Qnt = round ( weight value / abs ( wRef ))

Material No. QAPP205

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Counting with Statistics (QAPP206)

Counting with Statistics

The application determines the number of parts with approximately equal weight and statistically evaluates the results. In the first step the reference weight value is determined and divided by the quantity to calculate the weight of one piece. With this reference piece weight, the application then calculates the unknown number of pieces within samples. The balance displays the number of parts and the piece weight. The application uses the following calculations:

  • Reference piece weight: wRef = weight value / nRef  
  • Quantity: Qnt = round (weight value / abs (wRef))
  • Calculated net value: x(overline) = (x-Net1 + x-Net2 + ... +x-Netn)
  • Sum net values: Sum = x-Net1 + x-Net2 + ... +x-Netn
  • Standard deviation: s = sqrt( fabs ((n * sum2Comp - sumComp * sumComp) / (n * (n-1))))
  • Relative standard deviation: sRel = abs (dev / avg * 100)

Material No. QAPP206  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 15/05/2019

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Backweigher (QAPP207)


The Backweighing application is used for simple differential weighing with lot tracking (alphanumeric). First the initial weight (with tare) is measured and then up to three back weights per sample. The application calculates the difference between the initial and back weight of samples. The application uses the following calculations:

  • Weight residue: residue = netBackWeight = grossBackWeight - panWeight
  • Percent residue: residue [%] =(netBackWeight / netInitialWeight )* 100 | default decpoint = 2
  • Weight loss: loss = netInitialWeight - netBackWeight
  • Percent loss: loss [%] = ((netInitialWeight - netBackWeight) / netInitialWeight)* 100 | default decpoint = 2; if loss[%] < 0.01% --> display/print "< 0.01%"  (string)

Material No. QAPP207  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Residual Dirt Analysis (QAPP208)  

Residual Dirt Analysis 

This application is used to gravimetrically determine the residual dirt according to VDA19. In the workflow a tare-, initial- and back weighing are performed and the difference between the corresponding initial and back weight is calculated to determine the residual dirt. The back weighing can be repeated as often as desired and previous back weights overwritten and the software will always use latest value to calculate the residue. The application is using the following calculation:

  • residue = netBackWeight = grossBackWeight - panWeight.

Material No. QAPP208

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Residue on Ignition (QAPP209)

Residue on Ignition  

The application residue on ignition is used to determine the sample initial weight, back weight and residue on ignition. Based on the first back weight, the remaining substance weight (rest) before drying is determined and based on the second back weight the residue on ignition after drying. The first and second back weighings can be repeated as often as desired and previous back weights overwritten, and the most recent values are always used by the software to calculate the rest and the residue on ignition. The application is using the following calculations:

  • first backweighing: residue = netBackWeight1 = grossBackWeight1  panWeight
  • second backweighing: ignition = netBackWeight2 = grossBackWeight2 - panWeight.

Material No. QAPP209

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Loss on Drying (QAPP210)

Loss on Drying

The loss on drying application is used for differential weighing according to USP Chapter 42 <731> and European Pharamacopoeia (PhEur). First the initial weight (with tare) is measured and then up to three back weights per sample. The application calculates the difference between the initial and back weight of samples and determines if the weight difference is within the range allowed by USP Chapter 42 <731> or European Pharamacopoeia (PhEur).

 Material No. QAPP210

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 30/09/2020

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Filter Weighing (QAPP211)

Filter particulate matter

This application is used for the differential weighing of filters with individual sample ID. During the process the initial and back weighing of filters is performed and difference between the initial and back weight of each filter is determined. The acquired weights are corrected by the air buoyancy and the difference between unloaded and loaded filter in mg and % (particle load value) is calculated. Furthermore the application creates a statistics for a batch of filters by calculating the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum particle load. The application uses the following fomulas:

  • residue = netBackWeight - netInitWeight [mg]
  • residue% = netBackWeight / netInitWeight * 100 [default: 2 decimal places]
  • Air buoyancy correction of measured weight values: pw = 0.6113 * 10^((7.5 x Tdp)/(237.3 + Tdp)) | Pw = vapor pressure of liquid water, kPa, Tdp = dewpoint temperature, °C | default value = 9.0 °C
  • A = (3.484 * P - 1.317 * Pw)/(T + 273.15) | A = air density [kg/m3], p = barometric pressure, kPa | default value = 101.325 kPa, pw = vapor pressure of liquid water (kPa), T = Temperature, °C | default value = 20°C
  • M = R * (1- (A/pw))/(1-(A/ps)) | M = corrected mass units of the balance display, R = uncorrected filter weight in units of the balance display, A = calculated air density (kg/m3), pw = density of calibration weight used to calibrate the balance (kg/m3) [default value = 8.000 kg/m3], ps = density of filter material used to sample PM emissions, kg/m3 [default value = 2.500 kg/m3]

Material No. QAPP211  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Checkweighing with Counter (QAPP212)

Checkweighing with Counter

This application is used to check whether a weight value falls in a specified tolerance. The application works with a target weight value, minimum and maximum tolerance values in absolute values or as a percentage and makes it easy to fill sample materials to a specified target weight range. Tolerances (min., max.) can be modified during the weighing process if the user has the right to modify tasks. The application uses the following calculations:

  • Average calculated value: x(overline) = (x-Net1 + x-Net2 + ... +x-Netn)
  • Sum of all calculated values: Sum = x-Net1 + x-Net2 + ... +x-Netn
  • Standard deviation: s = sqrt(fabs ((n * sum2Comp - sumComp * sumComp) / (n * (n-1))))
  • Variation coefficient: sRel = abs (dev / avg * 100)
  • Difference between min. and max.: diff = max. - min.

Material No. QAPP212  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 15/05/2019

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Manual or Automatic Totalization (QAPP213)

Manual or Automatic Totalization

This application totalizes weight values for up to 100 components. The application allows you to save components that must be weighed in various containers, and each container can be tared before a component is added. With this application, values from successive, mutually independent weight values can be added up to a total that exceeds the capacity of the balance. The application uses the following calculation:

  • Sum of all components: sumComp = sumComp + actualComp

Material No. QAPP213  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 15/05/2019

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Flexible Formulation (QAPP214)

Flexible Formulation

This application is used to weigh in recipes. The user defines the number of components to be weighed in and starts the process. The application documents the name and weight of each component and calculates the sum of the total weight. The application uses the following formula:

  • Sum = Component 1 + Component 2 + ... + Component n

Material No. QAPP214  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 15/05/2019

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Formulation in Single Vessel (QAPP215)

Formulation in Single Vessel

This application is used to weigh in recipes in one single vessel and uses the databases SQLite or Postgres. In the database recipes with up to 50 components are stored and used by a single balance (local SQLite database) or multiple balances (central Postgres database). Recipes stored in the database can be used by this application (QAPP215) or the application Formulation in different vessels (QAPP216). The user defines the components, component target weight and permissible tolerances for each recipe. During the weighing process the target weight of each component is displayed, highlighted with a yellow/green/red bar graph and the weight value can be acquired automatically or manually. The application documents the measured component weights, determines the difference from the set target weight and calculates the sum of the total weight. The application uses the following formulas:

  • Sum = Component 1 + Component 2 + ... + Component n
  • wDiff = (weight - wRef) / wRef * 100

Material No. QAPP215  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Formulation in Different Tare Vessels (QAPP216)

Formulation in Different Tare Vessels

This application is used to weigh in recipes in multiple vessels and uses the databases SQLite or Postgres. In the database recipes with up to 50 components are stored and used by a single balance (local SQLite database) or multiple balances (central Postgres database). Recipes stored in the database can be used by this application (QAPP216) or the application Formulation single vessel (QAPP215). The user defines the components, component target weight and permissible tolerances for each recipe. During the weighing process the target weight of each component is displayed, highlighted with a yellow/green/red bar graph and the weight value can be acquired automatically or manually. The application documents the measured component weights, determines the difference from the set target weight and calculates the sum of the total weight. The application uses the following formulas:

  • Sum = Component 1 + Component 2 + ... + Component n
  • wDiff = (weight - wRef) / wRef * 100

Material No. QAPP216  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 23/10/2019

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Averaging with Factor (QAPP217)

Averaging with Factor

This application calculates the average weight value over a defined period and calculates the value (x-Net), which is multiplied by the factor (x-Res) and shown as a result. The application is used for measuring moving samples (e.g. live animals) and for weighing in unstable environments. A measurement cycle is automatically carried out with a defined number of measurements for each object to be weighed. The individual measurements are averaged and the average weight value and the calculated value (average * factor) are displayed as the result. The application uses the following calculations:

  • Calculated net value: x-Net = round (sum of weight values / mDef)
  • Calculated result: x-Res = round (x-Net * factor)

Material No. QAPP217  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 15/05/2019

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Averaging with Statistics (QAPP218)

Averaging with Statistics

This application calculates the average weight value over a defined period. The application is used for measuring moving samples (e.g. live animals) and for weighing in unstable environments and for storing results in statistics. A measurement cycle is automatically carried out with a defined number of measurements for each object to be weighed. The individual measurements are averaged and the average weight value is displayed as the result. The application uses the following calculations:

  • Calculated net value: x-Net = round ( sum of weight values / mDef)
  • Average calculated value: x(overline) = (x-Net1 + x-Net2 + ... +x-Netn)
  • Sum of all net values: Sum = x-Net1 + x-Net2 + ... +x-Netn
  • Standard deviation: s = sqrt(fabs ((n * sum2Comp - sumComp * sumComp) / (n * (n-1))))
  • Variation coefficient: sRel = abs (dev / avg * 100)
  • Difference between min. and max.: diff = max. - min.

Material No. QAPP218  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 15/05/2019

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Averaging with Checkweighing (QAPP219)

Averaging with Checkweighing

This application is used for measuring moving samples (e.g. live animals) and for weighing in unstable environments. A measurement cycle is automatically carried out with a defined number of measurements for each object to be weighed. The individual measurements are averaged and this average is displayed as the result. The application multiplies the average weight value by a defined factor and shows the result as a calculated value. The checkweighing only checks the averaged weight values, not the calculated values. The application uses the following formula:

  • Calculated net value: x-Net = round (sum of weight values [display accuracy] / mDef)

Material No. QAPP219  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 15/05/2019

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Averaging with Backweigher (QAPP220)

Averaging with Backweigher

This application is used for moving samples (e. g. living animals) and for weighing in unstable environments. A measurement cycle is automatically carried out with a defined number of measurements for each object to be weighed. The individual measurements are averaged and this average is taken for initial weight. Tare-, initial and up to 3 back weighings are performed. The process determines the difference between the corresponding initial and final weighing. The application uses the following formulas:

  • avgWeight = average of mDef weights
  • residue = avgBackWeight = grossAvgBackWeight - panWeight
  • residue [%] =(avgBackWeight / avgInitialWeight )* 100 | default decpoint = 2
  • loss = avgInitialWeight - avgBackWeight
  • loss [%] = ((avgInitialWeight - avgBackWeight) / avgInitialWeight )* 100 | default decpoint = 2
  • if loss[%] < 0.01% --> display/print '< 0.01%'

Material No. QAPP220  

Available languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese

Last update: 15/05/2019

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