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A Novel Downstream Processing System for Ambr® Cell Line Development Workflows

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A Novel Downstream Processing System for Ambr® Cell Line Development Workflows

High-throughput, automated bioreactor systems like the Ambr®️ 15 create more efficient and robust cell line development workflows. However, the increased productivity in upstream activities shifts the processing bottleneck downstream, requiring solutions to quickly and efficiently clarify and purify harvested material. The Streamlink®️ CC 15 represents an innovative breakthrough in cell line development that will transform how cell culture samples are prepared for downstream analysis. The application note describes the utility of the StreamLink®️ CC 15 in a monoclonal antibody production process.

  • StreamLink®️ CC 15 solves the bottleneck created by Ambr®️ 15 processes
  • The system can be easily integrated into existing processes to create a simplified workflow
  • Configurable clarification, purification, and combined processes improve flexibility, reduce footprint, and accelerate time-to-market
  • Sensing technologies offer enhanced process control

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