How to Prepare GC and HPLC Standards Application Note

Standard solutions for gas chromatography and HPLC are the key to accurate analysis. Measuring them is time-consuming and costly by weighing or, when pipetted, requires proper technique to achieve the required reproducibility. Reverse pipetting and sufficient pre-wetting of the pipette tip are necessary to accurately pipetting ethanol, methanol, acetone, or other volatile liquids.

Commonly Asked Questions

  • How can I avoid dripping when pipetting volatile liquids like ethanol? - Dripping commonly occurs when pipetting volatile liquids and solvents like ethanol, acetone, or chloroform. Dripping is caused by high vapor pressure of the solvents which leads to evaporation and expansion of the air column inside the tip and the pipette. To avoid dripping pre-wet the tip 3-5 times to saturate the air column and for best accuracy, it is recommended to use the reverse pipetting technique so any further evaporation doesn't affect the dispensed target volume.
  • What are the sample preparation steps for HPLC and gas chromatography?
    • Preparation of standard calibration solutions
    • Preparation of analytical samples

Learn how pipetting using best pipetting practices can save time from your sample preparation time without affecting analytical accuracy by downloading this application note.

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