Driving the Future: Precision Production of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles

Read time: 11 min | Authors: ACS, Chemical & Engineering | Last Updated: June 7, 2022

The manufacturing process for lithium-ion batteries designed  for small consumer electronics is well established, but producing lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles has placed new demands on manufacturers. A single flaw in the battery could ignite a battery’s flammable electrolyte.

To ensure that lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles fulfill performance and safety requirements, battery manufacturing processes must meet narrow precision thresholds and incorporate quality control analyses at every step: electrode preparation, battery assembly, and finishing. 

Read on to learn about quality control during battery production and the latest developments the field.


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Key Takeaways

Download this white paper and discover:

  • Advancements in lithium-ion battery technology are driving the electric vehicle revolution.
  • Quality control testing at each stage of battery production ensures that lithium-ion batteries are safe and reliable. 
  • Testing during battery production includes optical inspection, moisture analysis and precision weighing.
Figure 1: Principles of clarifying cell cultures using conventional filtration and Sartoclear Dynamics® Lab filtration.

Figure 1. Each battery pack in an electric vehicle is made of hundreds of individual electrochemical cells wired together.

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