Application Note: Benchmarking of Two Mycoplasma Real-time PCR Kits suitable for Release Testing According EP 2.6.7


This benchmark study compares the capabilities of two different qPCR kits for the detection of Mycoplasma, namely, the Sartorius Microsart® ATMP Mycoplasma qPCR kit and the CellSafe MycoQSearchTM qPCR kit. The EP 2.6.7 required sensitivity of 10 CFU / mL of selective species is tested using three different Sartorius Microsart® Validation Standards (Acholeplasma laidlawii, Mycoplasma orale, Mycoplasma pneumoniae) and one CellSafe Standard (Mycoplasma arginini).

Benchmarking of Two Mycolplasma Real-time PCR Kits suitable for Release Testing According EP 2.6.7

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